I’m waking up I’m feeling strange I crack open my eyes

They’re crusty plus my mouth is stale I take my time to rise

My head is heavy body aching and to my surprise

I realize this ain’t the place I fell asleep last night 

I roll on over off the couch face down

Smash my mouth on the ground bloody lip dripping on the carpet

I clean the mess with a rag find my bag 

Reach into the front pocket grab a spliff and begin to spark it

I walk around the house hollering hello

I ask if somebody could share with me some info

I ask if anyone’s there but nobody says so

Think I’m talking to myself I try to head home

I walk up to the front door of the place

Paranoia sets in hits me dead in the face

Heart beat beat beating at a violent pace

I breathe in exit the house and make a dash to the gate

I take a step off the porch trip and fall into darkness

Mind spiraling out quick thinking I’ve lost it

’Til I wake up in my bed covered in sweaty skin

The clock says 3 am not this again fuck

I don’t know what I'm looking at when I look in the mirror

The picture that is looking back doesn’t look very clear 

I don’t know what I’m looking at when I look in the mirror

The picture isn’t quite right the picture isn’t quite right

Kaleidoscopic vision taking hold over your system 

Pulsing to the rhythm of the wind whipping words of wisdom

I ask permission then proceed graciously through the trees 

Soaking in the different colors of the leaves listen

I wanna make amends shaking hands with the enemy

Telling me I’m alive and then breaking waves in the energy

And I’ll be an anomaly watching from over top of me

Do I see any light when I look up into infinity

Endless array of darkness the heart an illusive artist 

We make him up in our heads and assess what he says is honest and true

We’re just delusional fools stuck in our youth like

I gotta prove what I choose is better than you I'm 

Purely dramatic as I talk over the static

Egoistic narcissistic saying all I want is this 

I’m on a mission from god get out of my head this isn’t your fault 

You gotta be sick to think this music is the only thing you are

Too far away to save the day out of the cave you must escape 

To see the light to make the art you must create to save your heart

And then again you must return to spread the news to all the world

Who sit and mock you as you squint to see the shadows they adore

So are you ready the biggest joke of them all is pretty heavy

It’s a dark humor spark fire spreading the rumor

Of a dream reality things aren’t quite as they seem 

Because the dreams inside my head are just as real as you and me

I don’t know what I'm looking at when I look in the mirror

The picture that is looking back doesn’t look very clear 

I don’t know what I’m looking at when I look in the mirror

The picture isn’t quite right the picture isn’t quite right

I have a crazy fantasy inside my head

I write the story as I’m laying in my bed 

Some nights I prophesize of peace and happiness

And some nights I say nothing

Trusting in the other me who can speak freely 

Who knows no fears and cheers as the enemies flee

Who holds life dear and sneers at the greedy and weak

Who seems so near he’s here then I blink and he leaves

Far too often I’m exhausted getting nervous when I’ve lost it 

And I soften and I’m coughing and the blood runs like a faucet 

From my heart up to my head and then I’m starting to acknowledge

That the pain would probably halt if I just up and fucking offed it

Stop this you’re nauseous you’re sick as hell

And you know better than to trust it when you don’t feel well

Give it a rest until you get on back to being yourself

This is the test there ain’t no grade its just a pass or fail

I’m always logical it just might be the death of me

‘Cause there’s no logic here as far as I can see

I think about it every night when I’m asleep

I’m not so sure I know what any of this means