Shadowmaker is the name used to release the musical recordings of **** ********. The musical recordings, or shadows, serve as a guide to anyone seeking freedom from the cave. To understand the musical recordings is to realize one's true nature of existence within the cave: to realize that one’s perceptions of the musical recordings, of Shadowmaker, and of all things are in fact mere shadows of a truer and more beautiful form. Through courageous action and an embrace of the unknown one may become freed from the darkness of the cave and be granted access to the external world, containing the sun. Upon contemplation of the sun, one may realize the true nature of one's self and one's reality, becoming enlightened. This is the task of all of us. It may be realized within a life full of blissful satisfaction and calm, or it may be ignored, resulting in a life fraught with confusion and longing.

Your first task is simple: study the shadows and contemplate them. For if you look hard enough, you will find that they are not as they appear...

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Shadowmaker Logo PHat.png
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